A 30,000-Person Search Party Finds Milena’s Keys
I just absolutely love, love, love, the concept of tracking Tiles with the help of the Tile community!! Two days ago, I realized that my keys were missing and that I have no spares for a major part of my daily life (apartment, storage, bike, file cabinet). Worst of all, I had no idea where I lost them. The last location in the app was in my office, but they were nowhere to be found there the next day. But I knew that not all hope was lost and that with almost 30K Tile users around me something would come up. And I was absolutely right! Two days later, my keys pinged from a location around the corner from the office, with a precise address that pointed me across the street from a UPS store that I had visited the day I lost my keys. Using the Tile app, I connected to my Tile in the store and was able to ring my keys, which started jingling inside the clerk's drawer. You can imagine their surprise :-) This search experience not only got me my keys back but also got me the
so coolcompliments from every witness of the search and discovery process. Tile certainly gives me peace of mind and saves me from the panic of losing items that are an essential part of my daily life in the big city. THANK YOU!!- Milena M.Have a Tile Tale of your own to share? Send it to us on social using #Tileit!