Tile Finds Child's Lost Stuffed Animal

Tile Finds Child's Lost Stuffed Animal


Losing your child’s favorite toy can put a damper on even the brightest of spring days. After a few too many close calls, one Tile mom decided to take matters into her own hands:Our son has had this stuffed cat since he was two. He loves it, and hasn't slept a night without it.  It was given to our newborn daughter at the time, but big brother saw it and fell in love with it, and has cherished it ever since.About a month ago, this cat went missing in our home - again - on an evening we were out and the babysitter was trying to get the kids to bed. After looking and not finding it, our son went to bed but was very sad and upset until we got home to scour the house and find it ourselves.  The very next day, I did a little brain surgery:  I carefully opened up the seam at the back of the cats head and inserted a Tile, and sewed it back up again. I did the same with our daughters beloved stuffie.   We travel a lot, and during our current trip to Orlando, the stuffed cat was accidentally taken with the bed linens by housekeeping and placed into the hotel laundry.  We searched the room briefly before opening up our Tile app to confirm that it wasn't in the room.  My husband took our iPad and slowly walked down the hallway. Low and behold the Tile in the cats head came into range.  It turns out the sheets had been left in a laundry cart in the housekeeping storage room down hallway from our room. We got housekeeping to open up the door and within moments that beautiful tile chime helped us find the cat in a pile of sheets. Tile saved the day!  It helped us find something that is important and irreplaceable to our son.  Many thanks,   The Taggart Family